On Friday, Feb 7th the Boston Bruins Alumni squared off against the Chelmsford/Westford police forces! It was an incredible night with over 500 people in attendance at the Warrior Arena all to raise money for Voices of Hope and their work with the Termeer Center for Targeted Therapies at the MGH Cancer Center. This video is that story.
Andover TV Segment
Andover TV highlighted the upcoming performance of Voices of Hope’s 16th Fall Gala, Rock & Pop which takes place at the Collins Center in Andover MA on October 19, 2024!
Click Link to Watch
Andover TV
WBZ’s Laura Haefeli was on site at our studio in Andover, MA to report on our annual donation to the Termeer Center for Targeted Therapies and our milestone of $1 Million Dollars donated! Click the link below to watch
ANDOVER — At first they sang to remember, now they also sing to celebrate.
Local nonprofit and production company Voices of Hope will hold its annual check presentation at 7 p.m., Saturday, at the group’s “Nest” at the Ballard Vale United Church, 23 Clark Road.
The check will push the group above the million dollar mark in its fight against cancer. Read more...
The President of VOH, Greg Chastain, appeared on The Good Vibe Tribe which is a segment on the popular morning show in Boston that highlights individuals and organizations doing good in the community.
Voices of Hope was honored to be the featured story on this wonderful local television show. It highlights who we are, what we do, how we do it and who we do it for.
We love our new hometown of Andover and hope this introduces us to them!
Please enjoy.
Positively Andover
ANDOVER, Mass. — Erika Tarantal
Link To WCVB Story
A group of young performers spent their summer vacations hard at work in Andover, perfecting a production of High School Musical Jr.
For five weeks, members of the Voices of Hope Summer Youth program rehearsed, all with the goal of supporting cancer patients.
Producer Diane Meehan said proceeds from the show are being donated to help people being treated at Massachusetts General Hospital.
“Patients who can’t get themselves to their therapy,
From left, Voices of Hope Treasurer Jean Chastain, VOH founder and President Greg Chastain, Termeer Center Nurse Director Casandra McIntyre, Termeer Center Director Dr. Dejan Juric, VOH Vice President Ed Siegal and VOH Artistic Director Dana Siegal pose with a check for $88,000, which VOH raised to donate to the center in 2022. The group, which raises money for cancer research, is now $21,000 away from their goal of $1 million. (Courtesy of Voices of Hope)
By CAMERON MORSBERGER | cmorsberger@lowellsun.com | Lowell Sun
February 14,
On December 21st Voices of Hope Boston stopped by the Henri and Belinda Termeer Center for Targeted Therapies to share some holiday cheer with our patients, families and staff.
Members of Voices of Hope volunteer year-round to raise awareness and funds for cancer research at Massachusetts General Hospital, and we’re so grateful for their continued support! It was a wonderful day of hope, healing and love.
Please watch this short video of VOH at the MGH Cancer Center – Read more...